I'm enjoying listening to Kevin Fedarko's tale of a sectional traverse of the Grand Canyon (on foot)
he includes many other tales of river runners, native peoples, geology and fellow mad adventurers
I am amazed by the camraderie shown -- so many instances of people driving in to provide support for parts of the traverse
with extra food or gear or new routes or weather advice
I also love the descriptions of the ephemeral habitats in the hundreds of slot canyons
(photo below by
Donald Giannatti
on Unsplash
on the topic of books I recently tried and gave up on a number of books :/ including
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (one day I'll give this one another go),
Iron Flame (did I start on book 2 or something..I was confused),
Muriel Spark's short stories.
I did make it through Katrina Carrasco's Rough Trade
but I sort of half-listened and was lost at points..
I did manage to guess the ending pretty easily though.
Overall, it was ok!