October 2024
📖 A Walk in The Park
- I'm enjoying listening to Kevin Fedarko's tale of a sectional traverse of the Grand Canyon (on foot)
- he includes many other tales of river runners, native peoples, geology and fellow mad adventurers
- I am amazed by the camraderie shown -- so many instances of people driving in to provide support for parts of the traverse
with extra food or gear or new routes or weather advice
- I also love the descriptions of the ephemeral habitats in the hundreds of slot canyons
(photo below by
Donald Giannatti
on Unsplash
- on the topic of books I recently tried and gave up on a number of books :/ including
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (one day I'll give this one another go),
Iron Flame (did I start on book 2 or something..I was confused),
Muriel Spark's short stories.
I did make it through Katrina Carrasco's Rough Trade
but I sort of half-listened and was lost at points..
I did manage to guess the ending pretty easily though.
Overall, it was ok!
🪛 Broken Bit
My driver had a broken bit stuck inside and I was very happy to finally fix this.
The nice fellows at Builders Market lent me some picks (several of which I broke..sorry)
and also fueled me with ideas and ice cream sandwiches.
The quick release chuck had to be disassembled and thankfully the bit wasn't fully jammed, it just slid out.
Then I reassmelbed it all twice -- first time with the quick release collar backwards -- but now it's back to normal!
It used to work, even with the jammed bit, but now it really cranks, and has been very fun to use on my back steps project: