I'm on parental leave 👶 💥
and, in between diaper changes and bottle feeding,
I've rebuilt my vebsite.
Source is here:
- uses the
- cloudflare -- for both DNS and the static site
- I plan to transfer old pages to the new site
- themes that might be nice:
, juice
, serene
, even
- supported emoji
- nice resource for named colors in CSS
- manuelmoreale.com
- dan.carley.co
- drop images into site as b64-encoded
- can have script to go from image-on-device to text-in-clipboard
- but how to have refs/thumbnails/galleries?
- landing page with some procedurally generated tree
- eg simulated weather and tree growth in certain directions
- sections for notes, projects, about, recipes, music, reading
- elevate the project pages
I also setup 🌔 lunarvim
in service of this project
and that has been really nice!
With vim
, I use various plugins and custom keybinds --
I'm surrendering a lot of that for the lunarvim
My customization, so far, is just a few small things.